Sixth – Eighth Grade Team
Angela S. Comer
Gulfport School Districtangela.comer@gulfportschools.orgAlthough it was very challenging at times, I appreciate the experience I gained from working on the HQIM project. I hope that I was able to help provide guidance for the ELA teachers in Mississippi as they seek out quality, relevant materials for our students.
Stephanie Hubbard
Simpson County School process has taught me the importance of independently reviewing curriculum material (without a sales pitch). By doing so, it shows the potential pitfalls/shortcomings while outline the advantages of unique learning opportunities that are available in the curriculum.
Nina Johnson
DeSoto County School DistrictNina.johnson@dcsms.orgAs an ambassador of the HQIM review team, she has realized how vital high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) support teachers and students when engaging in effective teaching and learning.
Dr. Jacqueline Smith Lacey
Jackson Public School serving as an HQIM reviewer, I learned so much about choosing textbooks and literature that would be sufficient for student learning. What an awesome experience!
Willie Reece
Mississippi Achievement School HQIM process added value to my understanding of the qualitative features of various curricula and helped me determine which features are most valuable when choosing a program to use for instruction.
Dr. Furlinda Travis
Holmes County Consolidated School Districtfurlinda.travis@holmesccsd.orgThis has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. It is an honor to serve the students of Mississippi by ensuring we provide High Quality Instructional Material each day for their educational growth.
Danielle Yarbrough
Leake County School DistrictDyarbrough@Leakesd.orgMy experience as an HQIM reviewer was positive in that I learned a great deal about the criteria one must look at to determine the quality of classroom materials.
Ninth – Twelfth Grade Team
Yakeidra Belle
Jefferson County School Districtyabelle@jcpsd.netOur goal is to provide our students with high-quality education and projects like this ensure just that.
Lauren Carpenter
Pascagoula-Gautier School Districtlcarpenter@pgsd.msI am honored to have had the opportunity to collaborate with other educators to provide resources that contribute to students’ academic success. Because of this process, all Mississippi students will have access to engaging instruction and relevant content that meets the rigor of the MSCCRS.
Raquel Hollingsworth
Rankin County School Districtraquel.hollingsworth@rcsd.msProcuring high-quality instructional materials for our students in Mississippi is one of the most important steps we must take to implement a rigorous, equitable, and relevant curriculum that will aid in the success of our students.
Alexndra Melnick
Leland School Districtalexandramelnick@lelandk12.orgI loved the HQIM review process and found that it enriched my understanding of ELA curriculum design in addition to pinpointing my “why” behind teaching. I believe deeply in having diverse literature in the classroom, and I believe that representation has the power to change a student’s entire education trajectory. It was an honor to uplift diverse voices through this process.
Patrice Otero
Greenwood Leflore Consolidated School Districtpaotero@glcsd.orgWe should not be settling for less when it comes to the instruction of our children. If our materials are not of high quality and standards-aligned, the materials we are using are not good enough for ourselves or for our students.