Adoption Cycle: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2025
When Mississippi teachers have great instructional materials, they can focus their time, energy, and creativity on bringing lessons to life and inspiring their students to learn, grow, and succeed.
Additional Information
Click one of the options below for more information about instructional materials. Use the drop-down arrow to view the state-adopted materials.
Grades K-5
- Accelerate Learning
- STEMscopes Mississippi (Online Student and Teacher)
- Grades K-5
- Delta Education, LLC
- FOSS Next Generation (Level Kits)
- Grades K-5
Grades 6-8
- Accelerate Learning
- STEMscopes Mississippi (Online Student and Teacher)
- Grades 7 and 8
- McGraw-Hill
- Integrated iScience (MS Complete Student Bundle)
- Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
- Accelerate Learning
- STEMscopes Mississippi (Online Student and Teacher)
- Biology
- Bedford, Freeman, and Worth Publishers
- Macmillan Environmental Science
- Macmillan Environmental Science
- Cengage Learning
- Environmental Science: Sustaining Your World, 1E (C2017), Student Edition + MindTap
- Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 4E
- EMC Publishing
- Applied Anatomy and Physiology: A Case Study Approach
- Economics: New Ways of Thinking
- Goodheart-Wilcox
- Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
- Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
- Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt
- HMH Biology
- HMH Chemistry
- HMH Science Dimensions Earth and Space Science
- HMH Environmental Science
- HMH Science Dimensions Biology
- HMH Physics
- McGraw-Hill
- Glencoe Chemistry: Matter and Change
- Glencoe Earth Science: GEU
- Shier, Hole’s Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 2018, 1E
- Glencoe Physical Science, Complete Student Bundle
- Glencoe Physics: Principles and Problems
- Pearson
- Pearson Chemistry, 3rd Edition
- Pearson Earth Science, 3rd Edition
- Pearson Foundations of Biology
- Essentials of Oceanography, 12th Edition (HS Binding)