What were we most excited to share with Mississippi teachers when we first launched the site?
The math materials!
The Mississippi Department of Education, Mississippi school districts, and Mississippi teachers spent a lot of time and energy adopting a high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) math rubric and then reviewing K-8 math materials to ensure their quality!
The site showcases all those materials and tools in one place!

- Are you a math K-8 teacher in Mississippi? Graphic (PDF)
- MDE-Adopted Rubrics
- Private Facebook Group
- Math EdReports Reviews
- EdReports.org
You can use these templates to inspire your posts. #qualitymatters
I use [NAME OF HQIM] in my classroom. I have been using if for [# of YEARS]. My favorite part of the curriculum is [FILL IN THE BLANK].
I use [NAME OF HQIM] in my classroom. I have been using if for [# of YEARS]. The curriculum does a good job of [FILL IN THE BLANK].
I use [NAME OF HQIM] in my classroom. I have been using it for [# of YEARS]. There are some great supplemental lessons that I use. [PROVIDE DETAILS ABOUT LESSON].
I use [NAME OF HQIM] in my classroom. I have been using it for [# of YEARS]. The curriculum does a good job of [TEACHING A SPECIFIC SKILL].